Sunday, 21 June 2015

It's only Werdz (Contains swearing!)

I have a fetish for the steel of words.
People state: “Yer don’t ‘alf kno’
a lot of werdz mate!”
I suppose I do but;
What - a - fucking, Waste!
When some baulk at alternate words
Or pull a forced grimace,
That says “Ooer! ‘ark at you
Wiv’ yer big long werdz.
Flash git ain’t-cha mate!
I recently used (without thinking)
The phrase, ‘a visceral feeling’,
They said “ Yoo wot! You fuckin' nob!
‘ave a drink, un' get down off the ceiling!
So I thought, I know what I shall do
I’ll use this thrall in words,
And try to write some poetry.
‘Fill copious page in fulsome prose’
Use all those words that just mean ‘nose’
And show the world that words;
Are luminescent spears,
That pierce the bugger’s atmospheres.
I found a spot where I was able to
Present my poems incognito
I chose an obscure 'nom de plume'
Shared my first in dread.
The first response from someone said.-
“You have a vast vocabulary friend,
its clear, but here’s 'the rub.'
you’re rather
out of step
old son,
That wordy stuff,
been overdone.
Poesies knave's
Simplicity and
Brevity is King!”

Oh! Fuck it then!

The King is dead long live the fucking King!

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